Thursday 24 July 2008


Today I was going to city centre by myself again. I guess I am starting to make a routine trip of going to city centre every Thursday evening. Well, every time when I am going there I just feel a little bit lonely by walking alone in the city centre without any friend to talk to but I already get used to this. I guess this will only happen to those who have been away from their family for quite sometime. Sometimes I even went to watch movie by myself. Does this really weird? Most of my friend told me that watching movie in the cinema without friends is an odd behaviour. Really? but I have been doing this for couple of years and I think it is okay. Well, just maybe I am really weird to start with...haha.
Life is indeed a bit tough at here especially if you are single. Even you have a lot of friends but you still need someone to talk, to care and to discuss to. Everyday when I went back to my house I feel that I was missing something. My surrounding is very quiet except the music from my computer. After most of my friends leaving Belfast for good and some of them found their's half, I found out that I received less and less phone call. There is sometime I will look at the contacts for a while keep looking for someone to talk to. Even this blog is started because I would like to share my thoughts with my friends.
Family is a good place for you to talk about your happenings at here but still it has a certain limit. Everyone has their own things to do. For instance, last time my sister always call me when she is free and she always asked me what I am doing. I feel this very annoying and I always told her that don't you have other things to do? Well, after she found herself a bf she hardly call me now and even less chatting in the messenger. Even you will think this is very good at first because no one is bugging you but you will think the opposite way when time goes by. You will hope someone to nag you. Well, I guess this is human nature that do not appreciate something that come to you easily. Now, I am the one who will make the call back to my family instead of them calling me. Everytime I will complain that I am very boring at here and my mum will always ask me to go home...haha.
Well, there are pros and cons of being single but I prefer to have someone for me to care and to talk to. I was very jealous with my friends who have a good relationship with their bf/gf. I guess when the time is right I will find one as well. Although I seems to be desperate but this is a reality that many people will face or faced before. I have missed one before so I will not repeat this mistake in the future. One of my friends told me relationship is just like an investment. You do not know what will happen in the future. If you didn't invest you will never know but if you invest you will have some results. I think this is quite true..haha.


Cindy Khor said...

Of course you will get a terrific gf in the end... You are only 24 leh..Loads of time...Just be patient and remember to take a brave plunge once u meet the "one"...

LL said...

oit... just wanna 8.. who was the missed one?? i know one onot?? ekekekekekeke.... Dont worry friend, a person with a kind heart and personality like you, it's just the matter of right timing until you find the one. Dont push things, it'll come naturally. But you do have to keep an eye out. :)

yi@n wei said...

shhhh..let me tell you Lili...this is a....."himitsu" Of course cannot tell la.

LL said...

cheh... :p

Unknown said...

hohohoh...some one lonely jor~~
then go find one loh :P